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Discussion in 'Service' started by pengaisrejeki, Oct 18, 2012.

  1. pengaisrejeki

    pengaisrejeki (2) Newbie New Trader

    Oct 12, 2012
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    Permisi para juragan Adsense-id. Pertama kalinya saya masuk Forum trade, maaf jika ada kesalahan (nubie mencoba mencari sesuap nasi)..

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    Contoh artikel rewrite:
    Designing Suggestions For Small Living Rooms

    The family room is a vital area because you spend lots of time in this region with the family or simply relaxing. It needs to be comfy, inviting and really should reflect personal style. Decorating the family room can modify it to look after each one of these factors. When designing it, the quantity of space you've is a great determinant of methods you do it. For those who have a little family room, a lot of add-ons leaves it packed up.

    For small living rooms, you will find certain techniques will allow it to be appear large and much more spacious. Setting up large mirrors around the walls may be the initial key to result in the room appear bigger. The mirror also serves the objective of reflecting light departing the area a little better. This is accomplished best when the mirror is positioned opposite to some window. As you can use to create the area area appear more spacious is using hanging ceiling mounted curtains. Lightweight curtains ought to be utilized on the home windows since heavy fabric curtains can make the family room appear restricted and small. Install various kinds of lighting to alter the feel and look from the room. Using overhead lighting will just result in the room look very clinical. Utilization of lamps or lights with dimmers can create more warmth within the room passing on a cozier and ambient feel. To prevent ruining your decoration efforts, remove all clutter within the room. This makes the area look bigger and spacious.

    Aside from small living rooms, designing of the budget is yet another problem. However, you don't need to search to your bank to make sure an elegant space. You will find certain cheap designing ideas will overcome this. You can include style into it by utilizing attractive and strange light shades. The local flea market must have antique light stands and shades which you can use for this function. These ought to be put into a large part or around the coffee table to provide a unique area that can also be used like a reading through area. You may also accentuate your family room by getting one wall colored an in-depth color to enhance another walls. For example, among the walls could be colored turquoise blue as the other walls could be colored whitened or beige. You may also fresh paint the ceiling another color in the walls for the same effect. However, for that ceiling this must be a better shade. In case your family room couch is worn-out, you don't always have to upholster it or buy a replacement. You are able to provide a transformation simply by purchasing new cushions. You are able to mix cushions of various shapes, colors and fashions. The colour should help you in selecting the cushion colors. If it is light colored, orange and jade cushions works well to embellish in the room.

    Contoh artikel asli:
    Decorating Ideas For Small Living Rooms

    The living room is an important area since you spend considerable time in this area with your family or just relaxing. It has to be comfortable, inviting and should reflect personal style. Redecorating the living room can transform it to cater for all these factors. When decorating it, the amount of space you have will be a great determinant of how you go about it. If you have a small living room, too many accessories will leave it crammed up.

    For small living rooms, there are certain techniques you can use to make it appear large and more spacious. Installing large mirrors on the walls is the first major step to make the room appear larger. The mirror also serves the purpose of reflecting light leaving the room a bit brighter. This will be achieved best if the mirror is placed opposite to a window. Another trick you can employ to make the room area appear more spacious is the use of hanging ceiling mounted curtains. Lightweight curtains should be used on the windows since heavy fabric curtains will make the living room appear constrained and small. Install different types of lighting to change the look and feel of the room. Using overhead lighting only will make the room look very clinical. Use of table lamps or lights with dimmers will create more warmth in the room giving it a cozier and ambient feel. To avoid spoiling your decoration efforts, remove all clutter in the room. This will make the room look bigger and spacious.

    Apart from small living rooms, decorating of a budget can also be a problem. However, you do not need to dig into your bank to ensure a stylish space. There are certain cheap decorating ideas you can use to overcome this. You can add style to it by using attractive and unusual light shades. Your local flea market should have antique light stands and shades that you can use for this purpose. These should be placed in a corner or on the coffee table to give a special area that can even be used as a reading area. You can also accentuate your living room by having one wall painted a deep color to complement the other walls. For instance, one of the walls can be painted turquoise blue while the other walls can be painted white or beige. You can also paint the ceiling a different color from the walls for a similar effect. However, for the ceiling this needs to be a brighter shade. If your living room couch is worn out, you do not necessarily need to upholster it or buy a new one. You can give it a makeover by simply buying new cushions. You can mix cushions of different shapes, colors and designs. The color should aid you in choosing the cushion colors. If its light colored, orange and jade cushions will work well to brighten up the room.

    Last edited: Oct 18, 2012
  2. hebohmania

    hebohmania (144) Super Hero Trusted Trader

    Feb 10, 2010
    Likes Received:
    boleh deh kalau artikelnya rewrite ... $1 buat 100 artikel ya?
    terus jadinya xml tinggal saaya upload ke WP ...
    ini kalau sudah jadi xml apa tidak balik ke artikel aslinya apa sudah rewrite?
    keyword saya pm ya ...

    eh salah lihat cuma 10 artikel ya ...
    ya pesen yang #1 ... $1 dapat 100 artikel saja deh
  3. pengaisrejeki

    pengaisrejeki (2) Newbie New Trader

    Oct 12, 2012
    Likes Received:
    iya mas bro, kalo yg rewrite 10 artikel $1 soalnya harus di cek lagi satu satu..

    silahkan yang nomor 1 diorder dapet discount 50%.. tinggal kirim keywordnya aja..
  4. nashrullah

    nashrullah (13) Hero Known Trader

    Apr 29, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Pesen jasa nomor 1 om.. Discount 50% jadi $0,5 ya?

    YM sudah di add, kewod nanti malem. Masih di jalan soalnya.
  5. hebohmania

    hebohmania (144) Super Hero Trusted Trader

    Feb 10, 2010
    Likes Received:
    wah bagus artikelnya ... gak ada link url sumbernya ...
    lumayan $0.5 dapat 100 artikel ... tinggal utak atik dikit jadi sedikit unik deh ...
    buruan deh mumpung diskon 50% ...

  6. bayu791

    bayu791 (85) Di Jalan-Mu Trusted Trader

    Nov 12, 2010
    Likes Received:
    mau incip no 1 mas, mojok YM ya
  7. yucha

    yucha (120) Super Hero Trusted Trader

    Oct 11, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Gan, ane minat yg grab amazon. Seperti di chat, ntar lagi ane kirim datanya.
    Oya itu, ini juga bisa untuk semua produk amazon selain dot com kan?
  8. pengaisrejeki

    pengaisrejeki (2) Newbie New Trader

    Oct 12, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Masgan satu ini nambah lagi :D
    Moga-moga jadi langganan :)

    Order siap dikerjakan

    order siap dikerjakan..
    untuk selain dot com saya belum pernah nyoba :D
    kalo mau di test boleh saja, nanti saya kabarin kalo gak bisa :)
  9. bayu791

    bayu791 (85) Di Jalan-Mu Trusted Trader

    Nov 12, 2010
    Likes Received:
    mau kasih testi dikit nih untuk TS
    kemaren sekitar jam 8malam order jam 11 malam udah siap kerjaannya,
    pokoknya recomended deh si agan yang satu nih,
  10. jawir74

    jawir74 (9) Ads.id Pro Known Trader

    Feb 16, 2007
    Likes Received:
    gan ane mau order grab produk amazon. ym yuk di bawah poon
  11. fajarsid

    fajarsid (4) Ads.id Pro New Trader

    Feb 1, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Bandung,Jawa Barat
    gan kalo artikel nya dalam bentuk word bisa gak biar gak ribet nanti di wordpress nya...?
  12. blogwalking

    blogwalking (21) Ads.id Pro Known Trader

    Apr 25, 2011
    Likes Received:
    gan, ane minat artikel produk azonnya, bisa minta contohnya satu aja ?
  13. dutamall

    dutamall Newbie

    Mar 21, 2013
    Likes Received:
    ane mau order gan. PM ya?

    Sent From Borneo south
  14. javasugar

    javasugar (255) Buyer Paypal Trusted Trader

    Jan 17, 2013
    Likes Received:
    ketemu d ym ya gan
  15. thekrim

    thekrim (43) Super Hero Known Trader

    Jul 10, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Gan kalo artikel amazon bisa dischedule ga, atau backdate post?
  16. imteas

    imteas (95) Super Hero Trusted Trader

    Apr 14, 2011
    Likes Received:
    minta contoh yang artikel sama yang amazon gan..

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