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[WTS] Jasa Penulisan Artikel English & Indo + Posting @1000+ & @2000+ Words All Niche !

Discussion in 'Service' started by apriandi, Aug 22, 2020.

  1. apriandi

    apriandi (11) Banned Known Trader

    Dec 8, 2018
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    Dibuka jasa tulis artikel English & Indo plus Posting untuk semua Niche !

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    Contoh Artikel:

    The Benefits of Lemon for Your Skin Face

    Lemon, which is commonly used for cooking and baking, can also be a great addition to your skin care. This little yellow fruit that contain water droplets have high vitamin C as well as antioxidants, and also have an abundance of fruit acids and large sugars which are very useful in helping to remove dead skin cells, remove blackheads, as a skin lightener and as a treatment if sunburn. The following are the benefits of lemon for your face that we can implement.

    The Benefits of Lemon Mask For Facial Skin

    Lemons are not only the fruit of the Citrus aurantifolia tree, they are also a large of vitamins and nutrients. The benefits of lemon are not limited to ingredients only. The nutritional content of lemon can be used to improve the internal and external health of your face and skin which can be used as a mask. The following are the benefits of a lemon mask for your skin face.

    1. Removes dead skin cells

    According to most nutrition and medicine experts, lemons are rich in alpha hydroxyl acids which can help exfoliate the skin and get rid of dead skin cells. Removing dead skin cells allows pores to breathe, promotes new skin growth and helps maintain skin elasticity.

    2. Remove blackheads

    When the natural oils on our face have covered the entire surface of the facial skin, that's when blackheads can appear. Beauty experts, point out that rubbing lemon all over the face every night can get rid of blackheads over time if used as a consistent treatment. It is important to ensure that the lemon leaves are rinsed off the next day.

    3. Lighten skin

    One of the benefits of lemon for your face is that it can lighten the skin naturally. Lemon can be used to lighten age spots and other facial discolorations. Health and beauty experts from Australia once revealed that the properties contained in lemon can make skin aging look young and firmer again.

    4. Relieves pain if exposed to sunburn

    Nobody likes sunburn, especially on your face. It can be itchy, painful, and become dry and uncomfortable. Lemon combined with water can be a natural remedy for reducing pain. According to a source from a health magazine, using lemon mixed with water and gently washing your face with it can cool the burn, promote healing and act as a disinfectant to prevent blisters and peeling.

    5. Reduces Bacteria

    Acne blemishes occur when dirt, oil and dead skin cells clog your pores. Bacteria trapped in the pores of your face that cause inflammation and contribute to redness and pain. Lemon has natural antibiotic properties, as noted in the results of a study published in November 2006 issue of the journal "BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine." When researchers were exposed to a variety of bacteria, including E. Coli and Staphylococcus aureus, the results showed they inhibited the growth of these bacteria.

    6. Tightens pores

    Astringent can tighten skin pores. For this reason, astringents are used to enhance the appearance of facial skin and are found in a number of commercially available beauty products. They are used to tighten pores and temporarily reduce oil production and lighten the skin. Lemon has astringent properties when applied topically.

    How to Use a Lemon Mask

    Before starting, find a comfortable place away from the sun where you can rest after using a lemon mask. Lemons, like other oranges, are photosynthetic, meaning they react with sunlight. Make sure you have 25-30 minutes of free time. This lemon mask can be moisturizing and very good for facial skin. Remove all makeup from your face. Wash and gently pat your face dry. With your hands apply a mixture of lemon, honey, sugar and salt all over the face and neck as a mask, avoiding getting into the eyes.

    Massage the mask in circular motions for about 3-5 minutes. Let the mask in 15 to 20 minutes. After that, wet your fingers with warm water and massage gently in a circular motion. Rinse and pat your facial skin dry. Your skin will feel clean, soft and remove some of the inflammation. Get the maximum benefits of this lemon mask by using it 2-3 times a week on acne prone skin and 1-2 times a week for normal, oily and dry skin.

    In addition to the benefits of lemon for the face that have been mentioned above, there are actually many more benefits and properties of lemon that you can ask medical or beauty experts. Apart from that there are also several ways to whiten your face naturally besides lemon. Check out how below this article.

    How to Lighten Face Quickly and Naturally

    Having black, dull and oily skin sometimes makes you less confident. Some of the factors that cause it are such as sun exposure, free radicals, use of inappropriate cosmetics, genetic factors, and many more. There are a few tips on how to lighten your face fast using natural ingredients. Some of these ingredients are such as milk, lemon juice, jicama, and many more. These natural ingredients are believed and proven to provide maximum results for whitening your facial skin. But of course there are ways to use them.

    1. Using Lemon and Egg White

    The way to use lemon juice mixed with egg white is to mix the two ingredients until evenly and form a paste. After that, apply the mixture of these ingredients all over your face, let stand for 15-20 minutes then rinse with warm water. Do this regularly at night before sleep.

    2. Using Papaya

    Next, how to whiten your face quickly is to use papaya. Take half a papaya then rub it all over your face. Leave it on for about 15 minutes then rinse it off using lukewarm water.

    3. Using Milk

    The method is very simple, namely by giving a few drops of white milk on your face evenly. Then let stand for about 15-20 minutes, then rinse your face with warm water. You can do this every night before going to bed.

    4. Using a Potato & Honey

    The trick is: First, blend the potatoes until smooth like juice, then mix with a little honey. Apply the mixture on your face thoroughly and evenly. Leave it on until the mixture dries and rinse it off with warm water.

    5. Using Rice

    First soak the rice in water overnight, then drain it until it is completely dry. Once dry, then blend the rice until it becomes flour. Mix 2 tablespoons of rice flour with one teaspoon of honey, then use it for a mask, leave it on for 15-20 minutes then rinse your face with water thoroughly.

    So, those are some tips on how to lighten your face naturally that you can try. Don't ever expect a light face when you only do the method above two or three times, make sure you do the method regularly and you will feel the difference.

    Last edited: Sep 14, 2020
  2. Pebisnisonline

    Pebisnisonline (379) Super Hero Trusted Trader

    Jun 15, 2011
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    jadi ini jasa rewrite ya? bisa tolong kirimkan link artikel asli dari sampel artikel diatas?
  3. apriandi

    apriandi (11) Banned Known Trader

    Dec 8, 2018
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    sumber aslinya ada 3 gan lalu saya rangkum menjadi 1 artikel
    sebenarnya ini gak murni rewrite semua, ada tambahan kata yang ngarang sendiri juga, biasanya paragraf pembuka dan paragraf penutup

  4. basesatu

    basesatu (16) Ads.id Fan Known Trader

    Feb 28, 2008
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  5. apriandi

    apriandi (11) Banned Known Trader

    Dec 8, 2018
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    thanks gan udah bantu up :) masih ada diskon 30% yuk jangan sampai ketinggalan !
  6. 15menit

    15menit (152) Super Hero Trusted Trader

    Jun 10, 2008
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    jejak dulu gan
    kalau tanpa posting bisa gak..
    minta kirim ke email
  7. Sean Fajar

    Sean Fajar (40) Ads.id Fan Known Trader

    Sep 23, 2010
    Likes Received:
    Order artikel satuan bisa engga ya?
  8. apriandi

    apriandi (11) Banned Known Trader

    Dec 8, 2018
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    bisa gan, ok siap
  9. apriandi

    apriandi (11) Banned Known Trader

    Dec 8, 2018
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    harusnya sih ndak bisa gan, karena ini harga paket posting bulanan, tapi kalau untuk melihat kualitas artikel, saya adakan order satuan tanpa diskon dan dengan harga:

    @1000 kata = $2
    @2000 kata = $3
  10. apriandi

    apriandi (11) Banned Known Trader

    Dec 8, 2018
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    Kini tersedia paket Bahasa Indonesia, harga ada di main thread ! yuk order sekarang mumpung masih diskon !
  11. Fitris

    Fitris (16) Super Hero Known Trader

    May 6, 2015
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    Bisa reques keunikan pakai 1text gan?
  12. apriandi

    apriandi (11) Banned Known Trader

    Dec 8, 2018
    Likes Received:
    Bisa gan
  13. Fitris

    Fitris (16) Super Hero Known Trader

    May 6, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Liat contoh artikel yg indo gan,
  14. apriandi

    apriandi (11) Banned Known Trader

    Dec 8, 2018
    Likes Received:
    siap gan, nti saya kirim via PM
  15. apriandi

    apriandi (11) Banned Known Trader

    Dec 8, 2018
    Likes Received:
    udah saya taruh di thread gan contoh artikel indo nya, di thread paling bawah

  16. Fitris

    Fitris (16) Super Hero Known Trader

    May 6, 2015
    Likes Received:
    coba order 1 artikel dulu gan, cek PM ya
  17. apriandi

    apriandi (11) Banned Known Trader

    Dec 8, 2018
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    gak ada PM gan? coba PM in detailnya gan, maaf kemarin kena banned katanya bumping thread, gak tau juga sih bumping thread yg mana?
  18. Fitris

    Fitris (16) Super Hero Known Trader

    May 6, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Pm sent
  19. lutherfold

    lutherfold (39) SEO Enthusiast Known Trader

    Jan 11, 2010
    Likes Received:
    halo gan..
    berarti bisa bayar diakhir pengerjaan ya ?
    untuk postingnya sudah termasuk 5 gambar per artikel ?

    sumber artikel dari mana saja ?
  20. apriandi

    apriandi (11) Banned Known Trader

    Dec 8, 2018
    Likes Received:
    betul gan, untuk agan bisa bayar belakangan
    5 gambar per artikel gan
    untuk sumber artikel dari google gan, saya rangkum dari beberapa sumber dan dijadikan artikel unik dan dengan gaya bahasa yg beda

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