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Hati-Hati Yang Invest CryptoCoin

Discussion in 'Mata Uang Kripto' started by gandoss, Jan 25, 2014.

  1. gandoss

    gandoss AdSense Piro??

    Jul 18, 2012
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    Jawa Timur
    Waspada dan berhati-hatilah bagi yang invest atau trading Kripto Coin , pada dasarnya Kripto Koin terciptakan oleh hasil mining (Digital Coin / Digital Currency).

    Namun ada juga beberapa koin yang di Perdagangkan bukan dari hasil mining / Virtual Currency (Paypal , LR , dkk) , Nah koin Virtual Currency yang beredar dipasaran kripto adalah Mastercoin , RIPPLE , Nxt dll .

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    Nb: Yang gak paham tentang Kripto jangan asal komeng Nanti bisa seperti gambar dibawah ini



    Semoga bermanfaat
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2014
  2. rainforest

    rainforest Super Hero

    Aug 15, 2012
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    kalo berita kayaq gini gimana gan http://www.ads-id.com/forums/showthread.php/173898

    Online Dogecoin Wallet Hacked, Millions of Dogecoins 'Missing'

    A lot of people that have spent a lot of time and money mining the altcoin Dogecoin have found themselves with a very unsavory Christmas surprise. They lost thousands (some millions) of their Dogecoins that they had sitting in their DogeWallets. For those unfamiliar with Dogecoin, it is yet another cryptocurrency built on the Doge meme. Dogewallet is a place where people can store their Dogecoins and monitor their growth, expenditure and have an easily accessible place to get to their coins. However, if you know anything about cryptocurrencies, you know that there have been countless hacks of online BitCoin pools, exchanges and personal accounts. The only way of keeping your BitCoins safe is to store them offline in an encrypted hard drive.

    The guys running Dogewallet explained in a Reddit Thread what appeared to have happened, as well as on the Dogewallet site, which was temporarily offline once the hack had been discovered. Simply put, this is what they claim to have happened, "We found many reports of Dogewallet transactions being sent to 'DQT9WcqmUyyccrxQvSrjcFCqRxt8eVBLx8'. We're currently looking at logs and have found thousands of attempts to hack our systems.

    Specifically, the attack originated from the hacker gaining access to our filesystem and modifying the send/receive page to send to a static address. We're currently reviewing logs for information. The site is shut down right now.

    We're incredibly sorry to all users who lost funds from the attack. Please use offline wallets as online wallets are meant for new users who aren't using them as a storage of coins. Offline wallets are more safe and secure than any online wallet due to possible attacks that can originate from anyone, anywhere."

    They left a much more detailed explanation on the Reddit explanation thread mentioned above, but they also said that those affected could expect the following,

    "All invested user balances will be fully compensated first. We'll be working on compensating as much balance as possible that wasn't invested right after (roughly 15-30m can be compensated immediately). Send me a Reddit message with your information and address if you had an investment (not balance) on the site."

    What I find odd is that they seem to be doing all of this over Reddit and personal messages instead of email or any semi-secure method of communication. It all seems very amateur and possibly explains why all of this even happened to begin with. Personally, when it comes to a large cryptocurrency heist my first suspicions are actually turned towards those running the site since these online pools are run purely on honor that the owners simply won't run off with the money. This is clearly a flawed system when you have an anonymous currency with no accountability and no way to really trace transactions.

    There are also a lot of people on the Dogecoin forum discussing how much money they lost and how they lost it. Now, to get things into perspective, one Dogecoin is nowhere near the value of a BitCoin as the current exchange rate of a Dogecoin is about $600 USD per 1 million. Which would put the estimated value of this current heist at around 20-30 million Dogecoins or about $12,000- $18,000. This isn't a crazy amount of money to run off with, but some fishy things still appear to be occurring with the person/people running Dogewallet including the fact that they pulled their Facebook page and deleted a bunch of their accounts. Very dodgy stuff if you ask me.

    As I've said before, online cryptocoin wallets are a complete and utter joke and keeping any money online is a ridiculous idea considering how little security or regulation exists for these currencies. They don't have to abide by any online banking rules. We've already reported the effects that cryptocoins have had on real GPU sales, but the truth is that cryptocoins continually get hit with these kinds of events. They are new and people need to establish rules and regulations among eachother in a wild west cryptocurrency world. I don't think this will hurt BitCoin or Litecoin in terms of representation or perception, but I do think this memecoin will affect how other altcoins are seen.
  3. gandoss

    gandoss AdSense Piro??

    Jul 18, 2012
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    Jawa Timur

    :lol: tu kan ada gajah lagi :lol: maaf canda dikit gan , yang di hack tu dompet online guannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn itu udah kelar , klo dompet ente kena hack silakan klaim _http://savedogemas.com/
  4. rainforest

    rainforest Super Hero

    Aug 15, 2012
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    jadi kalo ngerti / pro crypto itu hi-tech ya..kalo kontra = jadul?
    sempit amat pola pikirnya :komunis:
    kalo ada sensus di forum ini banyak yg pro krypto atau kontra ya :senyum:
    itu kan cuman donating bukan clear solution..kalo besok besok di hack lagi yang online, kata ente yang di kompi gak bisa ya....gak tau besok besok
    baca sekali lagi...hanya sekedar donating utk korban hack..bukan solusi yang tuntas :p
  5. gandoss

    gandoss AdSense Piro??

    Jul 18, 2012
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    Jawa Timur

    1- ane gak berpikiran sempit :komunis: , maksud ane hanya berbagi info aja , barangkali ada pemula yang mau infest atau trading Cripto gak terjerumus,

    2- Klo ente mau buat sensus atau polling buat aja :komunis:

    Terus yg ente bawa banyak link tuk maksudnya apa?? :komunis: maaf yak ane gak bermaksud mencari permusuhan di forum , jika gak tertarik dengan trit ane ngapain ente replay ??? , yang berpikiran sempit siapa?? :komunis:

    1 lagi Baca ulang <h1> nya

    No offense
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2014
  6. rainforest

    rainforest Super Hero

    Aug 15, 2012
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    ane gak cari musuh
    cuman mau ngasih tau aja....gak ada larangan kan kasih info dan reply thread :senyum:

    Alibaba division bans bitcoin after China crackdown as IPO looms
    (Reuters) - China's biggest online marketplace, Alibaba Group Holding Ltd's Taobao, will ban the sale of bitcoins on the heels of a government crackdown against the virtual currency to plug a potential gap in its tight controls on capital flows.

    French central bank warns over bitcoin risks
    (Reuters) - The Bank of France warned on Thursday about risks related to the digital currency bitcoin, adding its voice to growing concerns about the unregulated, online money.
    Bitcoin is not backed by any central bank or government, or by physical assets. Their value depends on people's confidence in the currency.

    Bitcoin Exchanges Shut Down in India After Government Warning
    Bitcoin is once again feeling the squeeze from government regulators. This time, the crunch comes in India, where multiple online exchanges have suspended operations following a warning against the digital currency from the country’s central bank and, according to a local report, authorities have raided the home of the man who oversaw the largest of these exchanges.

    Bundesbank warns over ‘highly speculative’ Bitcoin
    By Alice Ross in Frankfurt
    The Bundesbank has become the latest big central bank to warn about the risks of Bitcoin, amid rising concerns from regulatory authorities around the world as the virtual currency grows in popularity.
    Carl-Ludwig Thiele, a board member of Germany’s central bank, told the newspaper Handelsblatt that Bitcoins were “highly speculative” due to their high volatility and the way they were constructed.
    “There is no state guarantee for Bitcoins and investors could lose all their money. The Bundesbank is warning emphatically about these risks,” he said.
    from ft dot com

    di banyak negara dah di warning..apa bank sentral itu pada o'on ya..gak sepinter para pro cryptocurrency :senyum:
  7. gandoss

    gandoss AdSense Piro??

    Jul 18, 2012
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    Jawa Timur
    Ya silahkan

    Resiko itu milik saya bukan milik anda coz yang buat trading itu uang saya , keuntungan dan kerugian itu sepenuhnya milik saya , Right!! :senyum: maklum aja barang baru ada pro dan kontra.

    Maaf jika saya o'on
  8. rainforest

    rainforest Super Hero

    Aug 15, 2012
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    Yap untung dan rugi memang buat para cryptocurrency player..termasuk jika sampai dikejar FBI atau NSA seperti kasus LR
    Note: LR emang bukan cryptocurrency..hanya sekedar flashback kasus LR..tidak ada warning/tanda tanda sama sekali ttg LR, LR bahkan agak di “dewa dewakan” karena murah jika dibanding paypal..tiba tiba :omg:
    bukankan ada changer Indonesia dikejar FBI utk kasus LR? moga tidak terulang di cryptocurrency
  9. gandoss

    gandoss AdSense Piro??

    Jul 18, 2012
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    Jawa Timur
    nah kalu benar bitcoin menyalahi aturan kan udah dari dulu benar-benar di larang di US , 2009 mulai berjalan hingga sekarang......... tapi lihat perdagangan kripto tumbuh subur hingga sekarang??. Lagian sistem pembukuan kripto lebih akurat dan transparan bisa dilihat publik

    1- :omg: pemilik forum dan moderator forum juga terlibat , karena memfasilitasi Pembahasan Kripto :D
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2014
  10. Trinitroz

    Trinitroz Super Hero

    Dec 15, 2013
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    sudah sudah... daripada berdebat mending kita langsung tanya ke ahlinya perdagangan om gita wirjawan tentang cryptocoin:lol:
    gandoss likes this.
  11. gandoss

    gandoss AdSense Piro??

    Jul 18, 2012
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    Jawa Timur
    wah kalu doi sibuk kerjanya gan ............:D
  12. northpole

    northpole Hero

    Dec 5, 2012
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    om Oscar Darmawan kan juga sosialisasi misal via TV BeritaSatu _http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52qKu4ZgfeY yang diupload ama momod ngkong
    moga berhasil ya ‘gerilya’ di Indonesia / meyakinkan pihak BI
    eh..OOT gak sih komen ane agan TS hehe
  13. gandoss

    gandoss AdSense Piro??

    Jul 18, 2012
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    Jawa Timur
    gak oot gan............ Nice idea , yang oot adalah akun klonengan :D , join date udah lama belum juga verified :D
  14. xrvel

    xrvel Super Hero

    Oct 21, 2007
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    daripada mempermasalahkan legal-tidak (banyak yg mendukung di US skrg, tapi banyak juga yg melarang di negara lain), mari kita sama2 menunggangi ombak ini & sama2 take profit & exit di saat yg tepat :D
    gandoss likes this.
  15. gandoss

    gandoss AdSense Piro??

    Jul 18, 2012
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    Jawa Timur
    Yang ane maksud kan itu gan take profit & exit lha ini si klonengan << (udah agak ketebak personnya) boyong banyak link :lol: .

    Ane membawa info ke porum , karena penghuni forum ini 100% bisnis online (bukan bermaksud ane menjadi Hero atau sejenisnya) klo klonegan itu ada masalah dengan klonengan yg lainnya , jangan melibatkan atau dibawa ke forum.

    Nb: Ane juga gak bermaksud menciptakan pro atau kontra Kripto di forum ini
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2014
  16. whitetrader

    whitetrader Super Hero

    Mar 10, 2013
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    malah pada tawuran :p
  17. gandoss

    gandoss AdSense Piro??

    Jul 18, 2012
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    Jawa Timur
    Wah gak onok istilah wong gersik seneg tawuran gan.............. :D , nek seneg tawuran gak bakalan dadi pebisnis online :D
  18. p3tir

    p3tir Super Hero

    Jan 3, 2013
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    malah ribut nih :D

    kalo udah dibilang klonengan biasanya gak muncul lagi / muncul dgn klonengan yg lain lho gan :lol:
  19. whitetrader

    whitetrader Super Hero

    Mar 10, 2013
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    iyo iyo cak percoyo :D ngunu ae mbleyer wkwkw
  20. gandoss

    gandoss AdSense Piro??

    Jul 18, 2012
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    Jawa Timur
    :lol: Klo ane gak suka keributan gan , Damai itu indah

    Hehehehehe.............. SDA ne ngedi neng ?? Maaf OOT dikit :D

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