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[HELP]+[ASK] account ane di has been disable, trus blogspot ane gmn...?

Discussion in 'Account GA di-Banned' started by bimods, Dec 25, 2011.

  1. bimods

    bimods Ads.id Fan

    Mar 21, 2009
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    ane barusan ga bisa buka account blogger ane, dapet surat begini:

    Help articles › Account has been disabled
    Explore 2011 Green search trends. Explore green trends, build your own scrapbook, and share it with others.

    Account has been disabled

    If you've been redirected to this page from the sign-in page, it means that access to your Google Account has been disabled.

    In most cases, accounts are disabled if we believe you have violated either the Google Terms of Service new window, product-specific Terms of Service (available on the product page), or product-specific policies. new window Your account has not been deleted, your data is still intact, and it might be possible to regain access to your account.
    Why Google disables accounts

    Google wants to ensure that everyone has a chance to safely and securely connect and communicate. To help preserve this environment, Google reserves the right to:

    Suspend a Google Account from using a particular product or the entire Google Accounts system if there is a violation of the Google Terms of Service new window, product-specific Terms of Service (available on the product page), or product-specific policies. new window
    Terminate your account at any time, for any reason, with or without notice.

    Next steps for disabled accounts

    Please start by reviewing the relevant Terms of Service. Then, if you think your account should not have been disabled, please contact us.

    ane ga permasalahin GA nya, toh masih ada jalan laen, tapi ini account blogger ane juga ilang.

    ASK= gmn vcaranya biar account blogger ane bisa balik lagi...?
    trima kasih buat yang udah mau bantu ane kasih jawaban
  2. killerijo

    killerijo Super Hero

    May 1, 2011
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    Setahu saya kalo akun blogger yang disable sama sulitnya kalo dikembaliin, kayak banned adsense...tetapi mungkin mastah di bawah saya bisa menjawab dan memberikan solusi lebih baik, selalu berpikir optimis saja :senyum:
  3. bimods

    bimods Ads.id Fan

    Mar 21, 2009
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    makasih masukannya masbroo
  4. ScienceSoul

    ScienceSoul Newbie

    Jan 2, 2012
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    ih serem deh oom G

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