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[ASK] Sorry for the inconvenience (ID Country) Hostgator

Discussion in 'Hosting & Domain' started by NewbieAdsId, Jun 12, 2013.

  1. NewbieAdsId

    NewbieAdsId Newbie

    Mar 3, 2013
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    mau tanya mastah/mastih .... ane pertama kali beli hostgator kali saja sama pengalaman...., maaf kalau repost, di delete saja ya mod/min thread-nya jangan orangnnya di banned :D


    Thank you for your order with HostGator[dot]com!

    In order for us to setup your account, we will need you to call in and verify your billing information.

    If you are unable to call us, you can instead respond to this ticket with a scanned copy of a Photo ID such as a passport, or drivers license. In addition to a photo ID, please include a scanned copy of the credit card that was used in your account purchase (assuming you purchased a hosting account with a credit card). For security purposes you can mask off all the digits of the card number except for the last 4 digits.

    Please provide us with the above requested information at your earliest convenience to ensure that your account with HostGator is setup as soon as possible.

    Toll-free: 1-866-96-GATOR, extension 1010
    International: 001-713-574-5287

    We are available 24/7, so please feel free to call us at your convenience. We apologize for any inconveniences that may result from this process.

    If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us.

    Thank you,
    HostGator.com Sales Team
    Customer ID: xxxxxxxxx

    nah yang mau ane tanyain itu kan ane pakai nama di Hostgator pas waktu daftarnya beda sama pembayaran melalui paypal namanya, ane nitip pembayaran ke paman ane, sedangkan di hostgator pakai nama ane, paypal nama paman ane. yang diminta itu ID Photo Country apa ya yang nama hostgator apa Nama di Paypal (ID-nya) :(. terus kalau login gak bisa edit apa2 ada notifikasi gini doank "Sorry for the inconvenience" .please gan heeeeeeeeellllpppp, nanya ke hostgator lama jawabanya :((
  2. prandah

    prandah Lizhost.Com

    Jan 17, 2011
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    di scan ajah
    ktp sendiri,
    ktp paman
    cc pamanya
    bilang ajah kalo mas/ gak punya cc, dikarenakan tidak memenuhi sarat
    jadi mas pinjem cc pamannya

    saya kmaren pernaj juga gitu/ tapi bukan hosting.

    Sent from my Z10 using Tapatalk 2

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