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[WTS] jasa kontent writter ENGLISH bisa ngeteng + Up date ke blog + paket

Discussion in 'Service' started by pingo, Mar 1, 2014.

  1. pingo

    pingo (3) Banned New Trader

    Jul 31, 2013
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    jasa kontent writter ENGLISH bisa ngeteng + Up date ke blog + paket

    Seperti Judul gan mau minta izin buka lapak kontent writter neh, Oh iya wat Om ped minta izin ya OM......ok langsung saja gan detail artikelnya:

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    Tips to cope with a sudden heart attack in his own Time

    Arrived – arrive You have been feeling pains in your chest, and began to spread to the arms and Chin. However, the distance to the nearest hospital approximately 5 Kilo meters, still more that wretched again if you do not know whether the defence can get that far.

    How should you?

    You've probably used to be trained in CPR, but the way but an instructor never taught You How to how to help yourself-yourself!

    When alone, had a heart attack, how can I help her? Someone at the moment when the heart can't beat with normal and feel almost fainted, he only has time approximately 10 seconds, after which it will be lost consciousness and will experience fainting. When in the vicinity there is no one gave first aid sufferers should use 10 seconds a short time this effort to help themselves.

    How should you?

    The Answer:

    Don't get too panicked, try cough continue with all his might.
    Every time before the cough, you should pull your breath with deep – deep.
    Then cough with strong – strong, in – in the long as well as long as you want to – removing the phlegm in the chest.
    Every two seconds lapse, you must pull a breather once and cough all. to help arrives, or until the heart rate is going to feel normal, could break.

    The purpose of the breath, pull air oxygen to enter into the lungs – your lung.
    The purpose of coughs, to be able to hit your heart to circulate blood flow
    Press the heart can also help your heart rate will return to normal
    Help this way, so that the patient has a chance to go to the nearest hospital

    Please feel free to tell others how first aid heart attack above.
    May also be able to help them!
    Don't guess your age less than 25 or 30, no age is probably going to be a heart attack.
    With respect to the changing ways of life on the present, which is the name of a heart attack can strike all age levels.

    Jika ada yang di tanyakan bisa lewat koment treat.

  2. ambari

    ambari (17) Ads.id Pro Known Trader

    Oct 2, 2011
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    Gan bisa ngga ane kirim keyword aja ke ente,

    Nanti ente sendiri yang cari2 artikel sesuai keyword, terus ente rewrite deh se readable & SEO friendly mungkin, dengan gramer yg mantabs jga...

    soalnya kalau ane suruh cari sendiri web nya, ane juga cetek englis nya jd ga tau blog mana yg bermanfaat untuk di rewrite lg:nangis:

    Kalau bisa kaya gitu PM ane ya:silau: minat paket yg 500 kata dulu 10 biji
  3. sibhe7

    sibhe7 (11) Ads.id Pro Known Trader

    Dec 22, 2012
    Likes Received:
    gan ada fr? minat nih
  4. pingo

    pingo (3) Banned New Trader

    Jul 31, 2013
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    langsung PM aja gan KW nya,,
  5. pingo

    pingo (3) Banned New Trader

    Jul 31, 2013
    Likes Received:
    maaf mas g ada mas, kan udah ada samplenya mas, tuh d atas, tx ya udah mampir,,order yuk mas,

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