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[WTS] Jasa Update Content English Bulanan - Non PLR - Readable - Images

Discussion in 'Service' started by flipitup, Jun 6, 2013.

  1. flipitup

    flipitup (36) New Comer Known Trader

    Jun 28, 2012
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    Jasa Update Content Blog English
    mulai Rp.50.000/bulan

    Males update konten blog anda? Ngga usah kuatir, saya bisa bantu update blog anda secara rutin dengan artikel2 berkualitas, tentunya dengan harga terjangkau dan ngga pake ribet!

    Spesifikasi Artikel
    - Artikel merupakan hasil scrap + spin berdasarkan keywords yg anda berikan.
    - Artikel rata2 lolos CopyScape 90%+ dan relatively readable.
    - Artikel disertai gambar atau video pendukung jika tersedia.
    - Artikel berisi rata2 400-500 kata.

    Cara Kerja
    - Anda order salah satu paket diatas.
    - Kirim list keywords anda.
    - Beri saya akses author blog anda.
    - Saya akan jadwal postingan secara bertahap.

    - 1 post/hari = Rp. 50.000/bulan
    - 2 post/hari = Rp. 75.000/bulan
    - 3 post/hari = Rp. 100.000/bulan
    - 4 post/hari = Rp. 125.000/bulan
    - 5 post/hari = Rp. 150.000/bulan

    Untuk sementara via BCA/Mandiri aja

    Contoh Artikel
    Getting a perfect shape and losing some pounds is not quite as tough as it appears. Should you need some assistance with building an effective weight reduction program you need to go over this post.

    Do what you can to acquire some physical action every day. You ought to go for a walk or ride your bicycle for at least half an hour each day. Small changes for example taking the stairway or walking across the building during your breaks at work can really make a difference to the future. Find some new hobbies and activities to remain active in your spare time instead of watching television or browsing the web.

    Create an exercise program adapted to your needs. Developing your midsection will allow you to become more resistance and you ought to soon have the ability to work-out more intensely. Every other day in order to exercise create distinct workout routines.

    Working on your own cardio will allow you to burn lots of calories. Start slowly by taking care of your own cardio twice weekly for 30 mins at a time. When you develop more resistance try taking care of your own cardio more often and for longer periods of time.

    You must avoid foods too abundant in sugar, fat and sodium for example fried foods, processed foods and take out menu items. These foods cause you to get lots of weight without supplying you with the nutrients and vitamins you need. Don't let free or light foods fool you; these things often feature substantial quantities of another ingredient.

    - YM: flipitup
    - HP: 081222853593

    Maaf ngga ada FR ya karna ini long-term.

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