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Search engine optimization strategies for doctors

Discussion in 'SEO Articles' started by yudhis97, Nov 21, 2006.

  1. yudhis97

    yudhis97 Super Hero

    Dec 20, 2005
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    By Stewart Gandolf and Lonnie Hirsch

    We have a personal question for you.
    Have you ever "Googled yourself?"
    More to the point, when patients from your town search online for the services that you provide, does your practice website make the Google or Yahoo short list?
    Sadly, if you are like most practitioners, your own patients would probably have a hard time finding your practice website online, even if they were to search for you by name.
    And since most searchers never get beyond the "top 10" search results (in fact many never get past the first one or two listings), a poor search engine showing means you are missing out on over 80% of patients who search online.
    In many cases, that translates into a lot of lost patients – and revenue – forever.
    In our last article we covered pay-per-click advertising, which is ideal for doctors who want to ensure that they can be found on major search engines, right away.
    In this article, we will cover Search Engine Optimization (SEO), which is ideal for practitioners who want to eventually get found online in the organic section (true search results), for free.
    Also known as "pray-for-click" marketing, SEO remains a mysterious marketing "black box" to most people.
    Many SEO vendors would either have you believe that SEO is far too complicated for a poor amateur like you to understand, or, that they have some special "tricks" that they will use to fool the search engines into ranking you highly.
    Both assertions are not only dead wrong, but they are actually dangerous.
    It turns out that all the major search engines have teams of brilliant PhDs who do nothing else but create search algorithms in order to rank results. They have seen every trick in the book, and they sometimes will "blacklist" websites which are attempting to game the "fairness" of their results.
    "But do local patients even search online for my profession or specialty?"
    While in the early days of the Internet doctors typically overestimated the number of searchers online, today we notice that most doctors underestimate the number of potential patients they could reach through their Web searches.
    Even doctors who practice in rural, blue collar areas can get excellent patients from the Web these days. While naturally the percentage of patients searching the Internet is lower for rural areas than in urban centers, doctors in blue collar areas notice their highest income, most educated patients do, in fact, find them on the Web.
    Moreover, the higher risk, serious, scary and/or expensive treatments are particularly likely to be searched. (E.g., patients considering surgery are more likely to search online than those who are considering upgrading the style of their eyeglasses.)
    Finally, patients often use the web as a way of doing due diligence. So even if their PCP referred them to you, they still may want to "check you out" before coming in for an appointment.
    Keywords are everything
    The first thing you need to do is think like a patient and come up with a list of keywords that he or she would choose.
    For example, a prospective dental patient in San Diego might look up "San Diego dentist," "San Diego dental implant," "San Diego tooth whitening" and/or "San Diego cosmetic dentistry."
    In fact, last month on the Yahoo network, San Diegans actually did search those exact keyword phrases, respectively 6,103 times for "dentist," 872 for "dental implants," 4,866 times for "tooth whitening" and 1,044 times for "cosmetic dentistry."
    For the first phase of your SEO, we recommend you make your website "search engine friendly"
    One of the dirty little secrets of the Web is the fact that 95% of web designers are absolutely clueless about how to create your website so that search engines can easily "spider" and catalog your website. As a result, most private practitioner websites are dead on arrival when they are launched, at least in terms of search engines.
    In fact, if your website has been online for over a year and is still invisible, chances are your web designer has failed you.
    Oftentimes it is because web designers are artists who spend all their time thinking about the visual world. They typically love technical gizmos that make websites look pretty, and they like to brag to all their arty friends about how attractive their sites are. (But who cares if no one sees it!)
    One of the worst culprits is wanton overuse of Flash technology, which usually appears as "splash pages" or simply "cool animation." While there are some tricks to use Flash, and it certainly has a place in web design, Flash remains virtually invisible to search engines.
    Worse, most web designers completely overlook easy ways to make your website search engine friendly. For example, most search engines highly value the "title tags" of a web page. If you are wondering what a title tag looks like, look in the upper left hand corner of your browser window on this page, and you will see "Search engine optimization for doctors." We put that there for a reason.
    Web designers should also incorporate appropriate keywords, descriptions and "meta tags" into their source code, which can further help you to get found. Even descriptions associated with your photos, your URL name, headline choices and text count tremendously.
    You should also make sure you get your website listed in the two most important directories, Yahoo’s directory (https://ecom.yahoo.com/dir/submit/intro/) and Dmoz.org (http://dmoz.org/). You should know that a directory is not a search engine. Rather, it is a human categorization of web content. However, once you are listed in these directories, you are much more likely to get noticed by search engines websites.
    Incidentally, you can forget about those automated online services that charge $75-$200 to "prime" your website for thousands of search engines. About 90% of searches are done on Yahoo, Google, MSN and their associated networks. The heavy weight sites will at best ignore your attempts at "priming," and at worst will blacklist you.
    Second phase SEO: For more advanced needs
    The basics outlined above are all that most practitioners need to eventually get found by search engines. FYI, it usually takes about 6 months for the ball to start rolling and your site to become prominently displayed for local searches.
    However, if you are in a highly competitive category and city (like Plastic Surgery in Dallas), you are going to need to call in the heavy artillery.
    For our clients in those situations, we often partner with specialists, namely, one of the several search engine optimization companies that we hold in high regard.
    (As in medicine, marketing has many subspecialties, and when appropriate, we refer out.)
    In addition to all we have discussed so far, there are two secrets to advanced search engine optimization.
    The first is content. Search engines love written text (they cannot read images), especially content that increases regularly and is laden with keyword phrases. For competitive markets, we recommend you build, into your budget, ways to generate a lot of ongoing content.
    The second "secret" is "back links," especially as far as Google is concerned. It turns out that Google highly values sites which have a lot of links to them (not from them). In other words, if many relevant sites link to your site, it must be important. Keep in mind that it isn’t particularly effective to simply get links from anyone who is breathing. Google somehow is able to measure the relevancy of links, as well as the relative importance of the referring site. So a link from your brother the plumber is not very valuable to you, but a link from the New York Times would be.
    If you truly want to maximize your efforts, we recommend both pay-per-click and search engine optimization. The former will get you traffic right away, and the latter is a long term investment in the health of your practice.

    Sebenarnya tulisanya standar saja sih cuma mungkin yang tertarik membuat situs kesehatan dan kedokteran apakah itu situs farmasi, klinik, rumah sakit bisa di sampain pada calon clientnya. webdesign situs kedokteran/kesehatan sedang naik daun nih kalo ada webdesigner, hosting, progamer bila berkenan gabung ke medwebdesigner.com he..he sedikit pesan sponsor...
  2. Pogung177

    Pogung177 Banned

    Sep 25, 2005
    Likes Received:
    males baca..kalo gak di translate
  3. Radian

    Radian Super Hero

    Aug 11, 2006
    Likes Received:
    sama.... aku juga malezzz klo baca artikel bhs. Inggris banyak gitu....

    kecuali klo sedikit en simple bahasanya.... :)

    ada yg mau translate artikel di atas ga niihh? ;D
  4. Wedhus Gembel

    Wedhus Gembel Hero

    Jun 24, 2006
    Likes Received:
    translate dong!, please...ayo yg mau beramal silahkan diterjemah.

    imonetize.com systemnya gimana tuh? web kitanya harus gimana?
  5. wercylno

    wercylno Newbie

    Sep 6, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Baca satu kalimat az udah capek apalagi baca semuanya :(
    Wes gak tak terusin :D
  6. kumkum

    kumkum Ads.id Starter

    Feb 23, 2009
    Likes Received:
    waduh , judul nya menarik nih..
    tp koq copas nya asal aja..
    jdnya tulisannya remek numpuk........
  7. Chocholato

    Chocholato Ads.id Starter

    Nov 18, 2010
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    aq juga malas baca, banyak banget inggrisny
  8. aziz36

    aziz36 Super Hero

    Sep 6, 2010
    Likes Received:
    Ngantuk..? Gak ngerti sih..
  9. kenc0ur

    kenc0ur Super Hero

    Aug 3, 2010
    Likes Received:
    males baca juga nih..
  10. sipud

    sipud Ads.id Pro

    Sep 27, 2010
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    Pedesa'an Yang Indah
    kalau bahasa kayak gini agak membingungkan...
  11. kampreto

    kampreto Super Hero

    Jul 3, 2010
    Likes Received:
    thread jadul disundul ,l..l,
  12. kawasts

    kawasts Hero

    Dec 29, 2005
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    IP address lookup
    Iseng-iseng terjemahin secara bebas. CMIIW.:|

    Jika Anda seperti kebanyakan orang yang tidak pernah melampaui "top 10" hasil pencarian (sebenarnya banyak yang tidak pernah bisa melewati halaman satu atau dua), mesin pencari, menunjukkan berarti Anda kehilangan lebih dari 80% dari visitor yang online pencarian.

    Hal pertama yang perlu Anda lakukan adalah berpikir seperti pasien dan datang dengan daftar kata kunci bahwa ia akan memilih.
    Sebagai contoh, seorang pasien calon gigi di San Diego akan mencari "dokter gigi San Diego," "San Diego implan gigi," "San Diego pemutihan gigi" dan / atau "San Diego kedokteran gigi kosmetik."

    Bahkan, bulan lalu pada jaringan Yahoo, San Diegans sebenarnya melakukan pencarian frase kata kunci yang tepat, masing-masing 6.103 kali untuk "dokter gigi," 872 untuk "implan gigi," 4.866 kali untuk "pemutihan gigi" dan 1.044 kali untuk "kedokteran gigi kosmetik. "

    Untuk tahap pertama SEO Anda, kami menyarankan Anda membuat website Anda "search engine friendly"

    Salah satu rahasia sedikit kotor dari Web adalah kenyataan bahwa 95% dari web designer benar-benar tahu bagaimana cara membuat situs Web Anda sehingga mesin pencari dapat dengan mudah "menangkap" isi dan katalog website Anda. Akibatnya, situs praktisi yang paling pribadi yang mati pada kedatangan ketika mereka diluncurkan, setidaknya dalam hal search engine. Bahkan, jika website Anda telah online selama lebih dari setahun dan masih terlihat, kemungkinan desainer web Anda telah gagal Anda.

    Seringkali itu karena web designer adalah seniman yang menghabiskan waktu mereka berpikir tentang dunia visual. Mereka biasanya cinta gizmos teknis yang membuat website terlihat cantik, dan mereka suka membual untuk semua teman arty mereka tentang bagaimana menarik situs mereka. (Tapi siapa yang peduli jika tidak ada yang melihatnya!)

    Lebih buruk lagi, desainer web yang paling hebat pun kadang mengabaikan cara mudah untuk membuat website ramah ke mesin pencari. Sebagai contoh, mesin pencari akan mencari "tag judul" dari suatu halaman web.

    Desainer Web juga harus memasukkan kata kunci yang sesuai, deskripsi dan "meta tag" ke kode sumber situs mereka, yang selanjutnya dapat membantu web Anda untuk ditemukan. Bahkan deskripsi yang terkait dengan foto, nama URL Anda, atau pilihan judul artikel.

    Anda juga harus memastikan Anda mendapatkan website Anda terdaftar di dua direktori yang paling penting, direktori Yahoo (https: / / ecom.yahoo.com / dir / submit / intro /) dan Dmoz.org (http://dmoz.org/ ).

    Anda harus tahu bahwa direktori bukanlah sebuah mesin pencari.

    Sekitar 90% dari pencarian dilakukan pada Yahoo, Google, MSN dan jaringan yang terkait.

    Dasar-dasar yang diuraikan di atas adalah semua yang praktisi paling perlu akhirnya bisa ditemukan oleh search engine.

    FYI, biasanya membutuhkan waktu sekitar 6 bulan untuk situs Anda untuk menjadi menonjol ditampilkan untuk pencarian lokal.

    Namun, jika Anda berada dalam kategori yang sangat kompetitif dan kota ramai (seperti Bedah Plastik di Dallas), Anda akan perlu untuk menyiapkan artileri berat.

    Bagi klien kami dalam situasi seperti itu, kita sering bermitra dengan spesialis, yaitu, salah satu dari beberapa perusahaan mesin pencari optimasi yang kita berkompeten.

    Selain semua yang telah kita bahas sejauh ini, ada dua rahasia untuk optimasi mesin pencari canggih.

    Google entah bagaimana mampu mengukur relevansi link, serta kepentingan relatif dari situs pengarah. Jadi, misalkan link dari saudara anda atau teman yang bukan link yang relevan tidak sangat berharga bagi Anda, tapi sebuah link dari New York Times akan sangat bernilai high value.

    Jika Anda benar-benar ingin memaksimalkan usaha Anda, kami sarankan baik bayar per-klik dan optimisasi mesin pencari. Yang pertama akan mendapatkan lalu lintas segera, dan yang terakhir adalah investasi jangka panjang dalam kesehatan praktek Anda.

    Yang ngasih thanks gak nolak......:D
    j.Hasan likes this.
  13. Agung305

    Agung305 Ads.id Pro

    Nov 19, 2011
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    weleh2... bahasa linggis,,, hands up :D
  14. alhijr

    alhijr Super Hero

    Feb 27, 2010
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    PIN : 7568977
    manteb gan Search engine optimization strategies for doctors
  15. gendut54

    gendut54 Ads.id Fan

    Apr 9, 2015
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    bagus gan infonya
  16. GoogleCorp

    GoogleCorp Ads.id Pro

    Dec 23, 2015
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    aq juga malas baca, banyak banget inggrisny
  17. @rizalkoe

    @rizalkoe Banned

    Dec 23, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Baca satu kalimat az udah capek apalagi baca semuanya

    Wes gak tak terusin
  18. DK417DI

    DK417DI Ads.id Pro

    Dec 23, 2015
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    males baca juga nih..
  19. IDvsUS

    IDvsUS Ads.id Pro

    Dec 23, 2015
    Likes Received:
    males baca..kalo gak di translate
  20. cangik

    cangik Ads.id Pro

    Dec 23, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Ngantuk..? Gak ngerti sih..

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