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[share] Cara di approve Ezinearticles

Discussion in 'Diskusi Umum Internet Marketing' started by Refresh, Jan 6, 2011.

  1. Refresh

    Refresh Ads.id Fan

    May 24, 2009
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    W mo share cara nge-rewrite article walau bahasa Inggris-nya pas2an tp tetep di approve Ezinearticles.

    Berikut caranya:
    1. Research keyword dolo (optional)
    Ezinearticles punya rank bagus di Google, jd usahakan ngelakukan keyword research dolo, caranya silahkan cari sendiri disini :D:D

    2. Cari Artikelnya di Ezine
    masukin keywordnya di kotak search-nya Ezinearticles. Cara artikel yang berhubungan dengan keyword tsb di Ezine.. Cari minimal 10 artikel!!!
    Mengapa harus dari Ezine? Yah, iya lah, Ezinearticles tuh ketat banget masalah grammar, jd klo kita ngambil article dari ezine kan sudah pasti masalah grammar g ada masalah

    3. Rewrite
    Yang ini bagian paling susah dech.. Masing-masing artikel yg udah u cari tadi, paste-kan ke MS Word.. Nah abis itu perhatikan masing2 inti dari artikel tersebut.
    Ambil cuman 10% dari total jumlah wordsnya.. Abis itu pasangkan semua artikel tsb supaya membentuk artikel baru..
    Klo masih blom mencapai minimal 250 words, cari lagi artikel baru, lakukan hal yg sama!

    (mungkin penjelasan gw aneh, ya? Ntar bakal w buat tutorialnya dech biar tambah ngerti :D)

    trus nih buktinya artikel w dah di approve


    untuk alasan privasi nama author ama judul artikelnya w tutup y :D...

    CATATAN: CARA INI RENTAN DI BANNED (account w pun pernah kena suspended)!!!
    Kenapa? Yah iya lar kan kita ngambil artikelnya dari yang punya...
    Hal yg harus dilakukan buat account kena suspended:
    1. Buat account baru
    Bagi yg punya banyak email silahkan buat account baru

    2. Buat yg mau mempertahankan accountnya
    Silahkan contact ezinearticles (stlh login ke member page, lihat bagian sebelah kanan atas, sebelah "new article"). Tanyakan alasan kenapa account u suspended, ntar bakal di reply ama manager-nya. kata mereka tuh artikel u duplicate. Nah u reply aj, blg klo u pake jasa Freelancer, blg aj g tau apa2. Ntar managernya bakal minta u buat hapus artikel tsb trus account bisa aktif lagi dech

    klo berguna jgn lupa pencet thanks... hehe
  2. rangeradith

    rangeradith Super Hero

    Oct 4, 2010
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    Makasih infonya gan.
  3. Refresh

    Refresh Ads.id Fan

    May 24, 2009
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    Sesuai janji w kemaren... nih caranya:
    pilih artikel yang bagus sesuai keyword u, cth keyword w: Weight loss meal plan
    Article 1:
    Actions to remedy weight are numerous. Weight loss surgeries, medicines and pills, exercises and diet regimens are the common ways to lose weight. Alternative medicine such as drinking herbal teas and pills are also said to help lose weight. There are free weight loss programs that are shared through the Internet A part of these free weight loss programs are free weight loss meal plans. These provide for absolute better alternatives than any painful injury that you have to go through before you can actually achieve your desired shape.

    To have a meal plan is important because it is a great way to guide you with your food intake. These free weight meal plans are usually designed to contain the right food groups and keep the meal balanced. It must be emphasized that dieting entails that you should be able to choose and eat the right kinds of foods that your body needs to maintain the nutritional requirement but whether you are on a diet or not, it is advisable to plan your meals. If you do not have a weight loss problem and you do not want to encounter such problem, you should make sure that you also plan your meal otherwise you might find yourself in the same dilemma as most people who have weight loss problems.

    Doctors, nurses and people working in the health care community advise using free weight meal plans for patients. This is to ensure that the patient is able to recover or to recuperate from the sickness through the nutrients that can be found in these foods and at the same time ensure that the intake of food is being monitored to fit the dietary requirement considering his or her physical condition. Dietitians make special meal plans to cater the person unique needs. That is why it is advisable for you to get a dietary expert especially if you do not have any idea on which foods to eat and which foods not to eat.'

    If you do not want to get a dietitian but you cannot make a meal plan of your own, try to search the Internet about free weight loss meal plans. These should be your keywords because there is a difference between meal plans that is designed for weight loss than just a normal meal plan. Meal plans for weight loss will give you a ready source of recipes and food combinations to help you lose that dreaded weight.

    A good meal plan cannot be taken for granted. There are many available weight loss meal plans and tips on how to make one available on the Internet This makes getting a meal plan that is for weight loss more convenient and efficient.

    To have a meal plan is important because it is a great way to guide you with your food intake.

    It must be emphasized that dieting entails that you should be able to choose and eat the right kinds of foods that your body needs.

    Artikel 2:
    Actions to remedy weight are numerous. Weight loss surgeries, medicines and pills, exercises and diet regimens are the common ways to lose weight. Alternative medicine such as drinking herbal teas and pills are also said to help lose weight. There are free weight loss programs that are shared through the Internet A part of these free weight loss programs are free weight loss meal plans. These provide for absolute better alternatives than any painful injury that you have to go through before you can actually achieve your desired shape.

    To have a meal plan is important because it is a great way to guide you with your food intake. These free weight meal plans are usually designed to contain the right food groups and keep the meal balanced. It must be emphasized that dieting entails that you should be able to choose and eat the right kinds of foods that your body needs to maintain the nutritional requirement but whether you are on a diet or not, it is advisable to plan your meals. If you do not have a weight loss problem and you do not want to encounter such problem, you should make sure that you also plan your meal otherwise you might find yourself in the same dilemma as most people who have weight loss problems.

    Doctors, nurses and people working in the health care community advise using free weight meal plans for patients. This is to ensure that the patient is able to recover or to recuperate from the sickness through the nutrients that can be found in these foods and at the same time ensure that the intake of food is being monitored to fit the dietary requirement considering his or her physical condition. Dietitians make special meal plans to cater the person unique needs. That is why it is advisable for you to get a dietary expert especially if you do not have any idea on which foods to eat and which foods not to eat.'

    If you do not want to get a dietitian but you cannot make a meal plan of your own, try to search the Internet about free weight loss meal plans. These should be your keywords because there is a difference between meal plans that is designed for weight loss than just a normal meal plan. Meal plans for weight loss will give you a ready source of recipes and food combinations to help you lose that dreaded weight.

    A good meal plan cannot be taken for granted. There are many available weight loss meal plans and tips on how to make one available on the Internet This makes getting a meal plan that is for weight loss more convenient and efficient.

    Changing your eating habits to a more wholesome and healthy pattern is the simple truth if you want to lose weight.

    Eating three healthy meals per day without eating snacks in between is advisable, even though it may seem like you are eating more than you would normally.

    Natural foods are nutritious and they contain the nutrients we need that will be good for us.

    Artikel 3:
    Every year at the New Year, most people begin with a New Year's Resolution to improve their current health status. Most of those individuals will attempt to do so by getting on a weight loss meal plan. After all, losing weight is one of the most profound ways to improve your body's health. Unfortunately, it is also one of the hardest or most frustrating method to maintain.

    One of the biggest problems is most will say they want to lose weight but very few actually know how to do it. Many individuals get hung up in this part of the process. To help ensure your weight loss meal plan is a success this year, here are some very important steps to follow.

    Step 1: Write Down Your Goal: It is a fact that when goals are physically written down, and not just stated, they are more likely to be reached. Your weight loss meal plan goal should be posted somewhere you will read it on a regular basis to re-enforce the message in your brain.

    Step 2: Be Specific: Instead of saying you want to lose weight this year, write a more concrete statement saying that you will lose "x" number of pounds by a certain date. it may also be helpful to give yourself smaller goals along the way leading up to your eventual goal.

    Step 3: Be Realistic: The chance that most people can switch to a diet of raw fruits and vegetables overnight is very slim. The amount of weight you want to lose along with the amount of time you want to lose it in should be considered as well. You will probably not be able to lose 60 pounds on any weight loss meal plan in a month, and if you did it would not be healthy for you.

    Step 4: Bring Slowly to a Boil: This is an important step because it can prevent you from having negative affects on your health. If you have not worked out in several years, it is not safe to attempt a similar workout your first time back comparable to what you did in college sports. With respect to nutrition, your body can handle these changes a little quicker. Just keep in mind that a sudden change with adding vitamins or a new weight loss meal plan can make you feel tired or sluggish. If that happens, back off and slowly work your way to where you want to be over a few weeks.

    Step 5: Use a Meal Plan: This is a very crucial step that is often overlooked. The physical plan for each meal is the key to anyone's success with a weight loss meal plan. The meal plan software chosen should have a large database of foods, customizable to the person and their goals, user friendly, and have trackable statistics. Most people no longer have the time or know-how to eat healthy on a daily basis. There is also an element of accountability when required to keep track with your daily intake.

    These 5 steps here will be very helpful in your journey to slimmer waist lines with any weight loss meal plan. Thanks to the internet and technology, you can now do all of your meal planning online and keep up with your progress at all times. The more detailed your plan is, the more probable it is you will reach your goals.

    Losing weight is one of the most profound ways to improve your body's health.

    Keep in mind that a sudden change with adding vitamins or a new weight loss meal plan can make you feel tired or sluggish. If that happens, back off and slowly work your way to where you want to be.

    Most people no longer have the time or know-how to eat healthy on a daily basis.
  4. Refresh

    Refresh Ads.id Fan

    May 24, 2009
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    Artikel 4:
    Here's a weight loss meal plan for desperate women who can no longer take the cruel embarrassment and pressures that go along with being overweight. If you're willing to listen, I'm willing to help.

    Follow this outline and I can pretty much promise you that you'll lose weight. But I stress... you must follow what I say. It's flexible, so it shouldn't be too hard.

    Weight Loss Meal Plan For Women

    1. Let's start with breakfast - eat eggs!

    Eggs are too beneficial to be passing up. First off, know this fact. About 80% of fat people skip or eat a bad breakfast regularly while 80% of lean and skinny people eat a good breakfast regularly. Eggs are a good breakfast, so eat them. I suggest you eat 3-4 scrambled eggs. If you can, add in some chopped up vegetables such as tomatoes, onions, and green peppers.

    2. Lunch - Have a vegetable salad (choose whatever vegetables you want) with a food that's high in protein

    Now, salads by themselves suck. But salads with the 25+ grams of protein added to them, wow, awesome. You just made yourself a great meal. I suggest you use either 1-2 chicken breasts, 1 can of black beans, 1/2 pound of lean meat, or 1 can of water-packed tuna as your protein source.

    3. Dinner - Choose a lean meat with vegetables on the side

    As you can see, the pattern is simple... protein with vegetables. You can choose a steak or salmon and add in some broccoli and or cauliflower. Something like that.

    Now, these are all healthy meals that aren't too difficult to make or get use to eating. If necessary, use some spices and flavorings to make this stuff taste better for you... just not too much!

    So there you go, there's a simple and effective weight loss meal plan for women that should start yielding you some weight loss results within a few days.
    About 80% of fat people skip or eat a bad breakfast regularly while 80% of lean and skinny people eat a good breakfast regularly.

    Now, these are all healthy meals that aren't too difficult to make or get use to eating.

    Artikel 5:
    Because two of the chief obstacles to achieving weight loss are overcoming the temptation to consume excessive calories and maintaining a nutritionally balanced diet, a weight-loss meal plan which consists of home delivered meals might make your weight loss program more successful and enjoyable. You know by now that avoiding temptation is more easily accomplished that resisting it.

    If you have a fetish for certain things such as chocolate chip cookies, potato chips, soda or other goodies, then you know that a trip to the grocery store is likely to be the beginning of your self-destructive diet defeating. I can say from personal experience that, you are much better off not having those food items in the house which means, either exercising extreme discipline while in the grocery store or avoiding going to the grocery store altogether. Minimizing how often you go to the grocery store is more realistic however.

    Not going to the grocery store without an alternative means of acquiring food generally equals starvation or an imbalanced diet however, both of which are not in the body's best interest. The adverse effects of starvation on the body are obvious if you have ever gone for very extended periods of time without eating, but the harmful effects of not having the proper balance of protein and carbohydrates in the diet is not readily apparent, particularly in the short run. Over time however, nutritional imbalance takes its toll.

    There are a variety of fad diets on the market, many of which are not nutritionally balanced in terms of carbohydrates and proteins. They can be effective in helping you lose weight, but are not very healthy because they do not provide the proper proportion of nutrients your body needs. The objective with any weight-loss diet should not be just restricting calories but also providing nutritional balance.

    Because overweight individuals tend to overeat and eat the wrong types of foods given the opportunity, a high quality weight-loss meal plan that provides meal delivery to your home is more likely to be effective in achieving weight reduction goals and providing healthy balanced nutrition because it helps overcome the temptation obstacle and addresses nutritional balance.

    By committing to a weight-loss meal plan in which you depend on meal delivery to your home instead of trips to the grocery store, you are essentially putting yourself on a food budget which should increase your chance of successfully losing weight and maintaining the weight loss as you change your lifestyle.

    One of the problems with some weight-loss meal plans is that the food is not tasty or satisfying. Gourmet delivered meals are both flavorful and satisfying, thus making dieting a fun experience.

    Disclaimer: This article is for informational purpose only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical consultation with a qualified professional. The author encourages Internet users to be careful when using medical information obtained from the Internet and to consult your physician if you are unsure about your medical condition.
    Over time however, nutritional imbalance takes its toll. The objective with any weight loss diet should not be just restricting calories but also providing nutritional balance.

    By committing to a weight loss meal plan, you can increase your chance of successfully losing weight and maintaining the weight loss as you change your lifestyle.

    1. Pasangkan semua inti artikel jadikan 1 artikel baru
    2. Kalau ada kalimat yang sama, lgs jadikan 1 paragraf aj
    3. Usahakan tambahkan kata2 spt: well, ok, then, and, right, dll... agar kelihatan seperti natural writing

    dan jadilah artikel unik berikut:

    Losing Weight by Using Weight Loss Meal Plan

    Losing weight is one of the most profound ways to improve your body's health. To have a meal plan is important because it is a great way to guide you with your food intake. Changing your eating habits to a more wholesome and healthy pattern is the simple truth if you want to lose weight.

    Most people no longer have the time or know-how to eat healthy on a daily basis. About 80% of fat people skip or eat a bad breakfast regularly while 80% of lean and skinny people eat a good breakfast regularly.

    Eating three healthy meals per day without eating snacks in between is advisable, even though it may seem like you are eating more than you would normally.

    It must be emphasized that dieting entails that you should be able to choose and eat the right kinds of foods that your body needs. Natural foods are nutritious and they contain the nutrients we need that will be good for us. Now, these are all healthy meals that aren't too difficult to make or get use to eating.

    Over time however, nutritional imbalance takes its toll. The objective with any weight loss diet should not be just restricting calories but also providing nutritional balance.

    Keep in mind that a sudden change with adding vitamins or a new weight loss meal plan can make you feel tired or sluggish. If that happens, back off and slowly work your way to where you want to be.

    By committing to a weight loss meal plan, you can increase your chance of successfully losing weight and maintaining the weight loss as you change your lifestyle.

    hal2 yg harus diperhatikan:
    1. Keyword density-nya jgn belebihan
    2. Total words artikel di atas kira 264, tp biasanya w buat ampe 400 kata, soalnya klo artikel dibawah 400 kata tuh anchor textnya dibatasi.
    3. trus yg lebih penting:
    Yang blom pencet thanks pencet skrg wehehehe
  5. jabet

    jabet Ads.id Pro

    Apr 18, 2010
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    mantb ni gan...
    ane tinggal napak tilas dulu ah...
  6. hammsidh

    hammsidh Hero

    Nov 2, 2010
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    Klaten, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia, Indonesia
    terima kasih gan informasinya
  7. Spartan

    Spartan Hero

    May 19, 2010
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    Apa nggak sama ribetnya ama bikin artikel yang baru?
  8. Damara

    Damara Super Hero

    Dec 30, 2008
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    ini kan hanya ambil beberapa kalimat, bukan rewrite.
    Jadi kalimat yang dipakai tidak berubah..
    Bukankah yang seperti ini ga lolos copyscape??
  9. kawasts

    kawasts Hero

    Dec 29, 2005
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    IP address lookup
    Ane punya saran yg agak simpel,...ambil artikel ezine 1 biji,..terjemahkan dlm bahasa indonesia,...perbaiki susunan katanya,...terjemahkan kembali ke english. Last, perbaiki susunan grammar yg gak jelas,...
    ini contohnya, ane punya:

    (yg mencet tombol thx juga gak nolak,..huehue)
    bernandin likes this.
  10. udintech

    udintech Super Hero

    May 11, 2010
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    antara Rupiah sama $$$$
    siap tempur nich, gpl dech
  11. Saint Huang

    Saint Huang Ads.id Fan

    Sep 1, 2010
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    mantap gan, meluncur ke tkp
  12. moffey

    moffey Super Hero

    Mar 28, 2010
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    Stubleupon dulu ah :D
  13. Refresh

    Refresh Ads.id Fan

    May 24, 2009
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    tp di approve ama Ezine tuh... Liat punya w aj dah di approve 4 kali...
  14. rayaindah

    rayaindah Ads.id Pro

    Feb 13, 2010
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    klaten - bekasi
    tinggalin jejak dulu ah..btw makasih gan..
  15. noor sugeng

    noor sugeng Super Hero

    Mar 17, 2010
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    beloved kretek city
    setuju gan...artikel bagus itu syaratnya
    1. copyscape passed
    2. good grammar
    3. human readable
  16. calonmaster

    calonmaster Hero

    Dec 12, 2010
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    Palto Alto
    kalo ambil dari pressrelease gimana gan?teman ane ada yang terima..dia cuma ganti judul aja ma edit dikit content/artikel bodynya
    misalnya judulnya "what the risk factor if u ride motorcycle faster" trus ganti gini "the risk factor if you ride motorcycle faster" trus bodynya kumpulin artikel 2-3 trus disumary pak ms word, ane belum pernah coba sih tapi dia emang keterima....gimana menurut agan?
  17. squatra

    squatra Ads.id Pro

    Dec 5, 2010
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    Wah.. ternyata ga bisa sembarang ya... Waduh.. barusan langsung submit article aja yg udah di spin, pasti ga diterima nih..
  18. Refresh

    Refresh Ads.id Fan

    May 24, 2009
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    Make artikel apa aj sbnrnya bisa... Tp w make artikel dari Ezine coz grammarnya kan udah bener dari sononya, jd g usah rapi2in grammar lg..

    Btw, w rasa teknik w mirip ama Instant Article Wizard Pro-nya Jonathan Ledger.. Cuman cara w masih manual sih... ehehe..
  19. jojon2

    jojon2 Banned

    Jan 12, 2011
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    keuntungan dari Ezinearticles apa sih ....maaf nubie nanya
  20. kawasts

    kawasts Hero

    Dec 29, 2005
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    IP address lookup
    Keunikan konten membuat artikel (plus link-nya, tentunya) di ezine cepat diindeks oleh Google dan mesin pencari lainnya. Hal ini juga memberikan page rank yang tinggi untuk artikel utama di ezine.

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