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WTA gannnn. Tulungin ane

Discussion in 'Berbagi Pengalaman' started by ismailbiz, Mar 13, 2013.

  1. ismailbiz

    ismailbiz Super Hero

    Sep 26, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Dapet suspend dari Hawkhost. Tulisannya seperti ini

    Hawk Host Security has found your account asbestoslinoleum.com performing malicious activity. The account has been disabled for malicious activity, which violates our TOS (wxx.hawkhost.com/Legal/tos) and AUP (wxx.hawkhost.com/Legal/aup). We have attached information regarding the malicious activity to the next ticket reply.

    Your account will remain disabled until you reply to this ticket directly informing us you're ready to resolve the issue and clean up the account. If you're unable to resolve the issue, we recommend restoring a backup that you've kept or through R1Soft in cPanel. We thank you in advance for your quick action and cooperation

    ane udah bales. Intinya katanya di blog ane ada virusnya gitu dahhhh. Padahal mahhh boro2 virus. apa ada rekan2 yang pernah mengalami hal seperti ini. Klo pernah ane kudu ngapain nehhh gannn ? Tulung ya agan2. Buat om momod klo salah kamar maapin, baru sekarang neehhh ane curhat. Sekalian kasih ane rekomendasi Hosting yang uhuy selain Hostgator ama Hawkhost apaan yak....

    Sekian dan Terima Gaji. :D
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2013
  2. rawapesona

    rawapesona 10000USD/Month

    Jan 26, 2011
    Likes Received:
    ente apus dulu malwerenya bro, trus kirim ticket lagi ke HH, pasti dilepas suspendnya..

    BTW ala live link tuh, buruan edit sebelom di banned
  3. ismailbiz

    ismailbiz Super Hero

    Sep 26, 2008
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    cara tau malware nya dimana gmana mas bro ? Thanks bgt responnya yakkkkk

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