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[Share]Studi Kasus Blog Mobile Games - Dalam 30 Hari Mencapai $40an/day dari adsense

Discussion in 'Situs Bagus!' started by LatifahM, Sep 28, 2011.

  1. LatifahM

    LatifahM Banned

    Feb 8, 2010
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    Pagi adsenser....

    Sekedar share saja untuk penambah semangat dan motivasi. Pagi ini dapet email dari bule dari forum sebelah. Ada studi kasus menarik tentang blog yang punya niche "mobile game" dengan pencarian & persaingan yang maknyooss. :senyum:

    Yang punya blognya bisa mencapai $44.94 dengan Google Adsense di hari ke 30 semenjak daftarin domainnya :ngiler2:

    Berikut ane copas isi threadnya ...

    I work in the Real Estate world, and part of the marketing we offer our agents is to build them a custom WordPress site specific to their "niche" within Real Estate.

    After dealing with a couple typical lame ass SEO guys for the last couple years, spending thousands of dollars, and not having much success... I decided to take matters into my own hands and start looking for ways to get our agent sites to rank better for the terms that get them IDX registrations (property search sign ups).

    So one day, I decided to start a brand new site, and document all my SEO activities, and track the results over a 30 day window. 2 reasons: 1 to see if some of the linkbuilding methods I read about here on WF actually work so that I would feel more comfortable applying them to our Real Estate sites. 2 because some newb outed his buddies niche and the amount of traffic he was getting per month in a thread. This niche just happened to be something I was interested in, so I thought "what a great way to test some SEO shit, and see if I can make some money at the same time".

    Keyword research:

    The "niche" is mobile gaming. Fairly competitive, right? Here's what I was targeting:

    Keyword 1 (2 words) - 20mil results - 200k exact match searches per month
    Keyword 2 (3 words includes KW1) - 800k results - 40k exact searches
    Keyword 3 (4 words includes KW1) - 240k results - 27k exact searches

    On December 10th, I bought a brand new domain. A direct match for KW3.
    I threw up WordPress, with a custom (but really basic) theme I use on some of my sites. I loaded it with about 10 pages of content. A lot of videos. 2 Adsense ads in sidebar. Then, I setup a Facebook fan page and invited 10 select friends along with a Twitter account spewing out some random shit with links back to the site every couple hours.

    So, without further adieu, here's the 30 days worth of notes:

    Day 1: No rank - Added link to Wikipedia - Traffic: 31 visits from FB (Facebook) Adsense: $0

    Day 2: No rank - started linkbuilding (Red_Virus package) Traffic: Wiki (99) FB (29) Twitter (35). Adsense: $.01 (woohoo!)

    Day 3: Indexed on Yahoo and Bing (but didn't bother tracking placement) - Wiki link deleted by editor - Stopped twitter promo - Traffic: Yahoo (46) Bing (36) FB (20) Twitter (7) Adsense: $.23

    Day 4: Google indexes! Traffic: Fb (41) Yahoo (35) Bing (22) Google (16). I started tracking Goog placements: KW1 (#329) KW2 (N/A) KW3 (#374) Adsense: $.03

    Day 5: Got Red_Virus report and started Drip Feed Blasts (1000 per day) pointed strictly at the Red_Virus web 2.0 links. Ranks: KW1 (#171) KW2 (N/A) KW3 (#26) Traffic: Google (59) FB (24) Yahoo (21) Bing (16) Adsense: $.16

    Day 6: Ranks: KW1 (#170) KW2 (N/A) KW3 (#19) Traffic: G (42) Y (19) B (16) FB (13) Adsense: $1.11 (now we're talking!)

    Day 7: Shall we dance? Ranks: KW1 (N/A) KW2 (N/A) KW3 (#148) Traffic: FB (13) Y (10) B (7) G (5) ADSENSE: $.01

    DAY 8: No slow waltz here, we break dancin' baby! Ranks: KW1 (#37) KW2 (#18) KW3 (#15) Traffic: Y (27) G (21) B (15) FB (13) Adsense: $.01

    Day 9: Ranks: KW1 (#38) KW2 (#18) KW3 (#15) Traffic: G (356) Y (30) B (17) FB (11) Adsense: $3.35

    Day 10: Ranks: KW1 (#7) KW2 (#16) KW3 (#13) Traffic: G (680) Y (33) FB (15) B (13) Adsense: $8.82

    Day 11: KW1 (16) KW2 (11) KW3 (11) G (315) Y (68) B (40) $2.34

    Day 12: KW1 (16) KW2 (10) KW3 (11) G (579) Y (34) B (32) $8.82

    Day 13 (Christmas Eve): KW1 (16) KW2 (10) KW3 (11) G (447) Y (27) B (19) $3.10

    Day 14: KW1 (17) KW2 (10) KW3 (11) G (632) Y (37) B (20) $4.30

    Day 15: KW1 (18) KW2 (8) KW3 (10) G (789) Y (42) B (24) $4.81

    Day 16: KW1 (18) KW2 (8) KW3 (9) G (887) Y (50) B (25) $9.13

    Day 17: Round 2 of backlinking. Ordered Stacy's 200 unique ip blog package. KW1 (18) KW2 (9) KW3 (9) G (808) Y (55) B (33) $5.52

    Day 18: KW1 (16) KW2 (10) KW3 (9) G (700) Y (52) B (21) $6.19

    Day 19: Got Stacy's report back and added links to DFB. KW1 (14) KW2 (8) KW3 (10) G (1223) Y (19) B (5) $8.31

    Day 20: KW1 (7) KW2 (4) KW3 (8) G (2260) Y(5) B(5) $13.73

    Day 21: KW1 (7) KW2 (3) KW3 (7) G (3440) Y(5) B(3) $28.52

    Day 22: KW1 (6) KW2 (3) KW3 (6) G (3960) Y(4) B(0) $20.58

    Day 23: KW1 (6) KW2 (3) KW3 (7) G (4314) Y(0) B(0) $24.65

    Day 24: KW1 (6) KW2 (3) KW3 (7) G (4359) Y(118) B(51) $30.10

    Day 25: KW1 (6) KW2 (3) KW3 (7) G (4262) Y(129) B(68) $27.70

    Day 26: KW1 (6) KW2 (3) KW3 (7) G (4453) Y(117) B(54) $29.72

    Day 27: KW1 (5) KW2 (3) KW3 (7) At this point I just started only tracking Goog traffic. Y and B seemed to pretty much platue. Traffic: G (6437) $39.11

    Day 28: KW1 (5) KW2 (2) KW3 (7) G (7066) $48.05

    Day 29: KW1 (5) KW2 (2) KW3 (7) G (7431) $47.75

    Day 30: KW1 (5) KW2 (2) KW3 (7) G (7027) $44.94

    Started 12/10/10 - Ended (the case study) 1/10/11

    As of today (1/16/11) things are pretty much the same, except adsense income has dropped back into the $30 per day range.

    I thought it was really interesting that as the G traffic started skyrocketing, the Y and B traffic literally disappeared for a couple days. Apparently Y and B have their own version of "the dance" and I'm wondering if it was just a coincidence that it happened at the exact same time that G started blowing up? Kinda weird.

    So, now that this site is basically on autopilot...

    A friend asked if I thought I could replicate the results, or if I just "got lucky". So, I decided to see what would happen if I literally cloned the site and threw it up on another new domain with almost the same KW structure and backlinking done to it. So far, after 10 days, it's a little slower to take off (which doesn't REALLY surprise me) but I also haven't done the FB or Twitter thing. Is Google penalizing the 2nd site because of duplicate content? Or is FB and Twitter links really weighted more as some SEO's are starting to suggest?

    Anyway, hopefully you guys get something out of this. It's the least I can do for all the knowledge I have soaked up over the last few months from the WF peeps.

    Berikut link aselina

    Blognya udah dijual ama yang punya di flippa n laku $27000 !!!!
    ni listingannya

    Nah dari ingpo di atas pasti adsenser semua pada tau apa urlna dan KW yang dia targetin. Meskpun trit nya si bule awal tahun 2011 tapi ane yakin semua bisa terinspirasi

    Semoga bermanfaat :gembira:

    nb. @Bang Momod : kalo repost tulung diapus aja ya bang Momod ... :D
    1909moko and andi88 like this.
  2. saladflorida

    saladflorida Super Hero

    Sep 1, 2010
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    Re: [Share]Studi Kasus Blog Mobile Games - Dalam 30 Hari Mencapai $40an/day dari adse

    kapan ya gw bisa kayak om bule
  3. mukh17

    mukh17 Perjaka Single

    Mar 6, 2010
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    Re: [Share]Studi Kasus Blog Mobile Games - Dalam 30 Hari Mencapai $40an/day dari adse

    Mantaps euy, jd terbuka ne ada ide.. Thanks fos sharing mastah :kembang:
  4. penyendiri

    penyendiri Super Hero

    Mar 28, 2011
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    tidak dimanapun
    Re: [Share]Studi Kasus Blog Mobile Games - Dalam 30 Hari Mencapai $40an/day dari adse

    niche share bro, benar2 membuka cakrawala kita tentang blog mobile games.
  5. jampang

    jampang Ads.id Fan

    Jun 3, 2010
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    Re: [Share]Studi Kasus Blog Mobile Games - Dalam 30 Hari Mencapai $40an/day dari adse

    Kayaknya ane tau nih, ini kan caranya si chaddo alias chad kimbal. Ada yg berhasil rupanya.. hebat
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2011
  6. dedisyd

    dedisyd Super Hero

    Sep 20, 2011
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    planet telex
    Re: [Share]Studi Kasus Blog Mobile Games - Dalam 30 Hari Mencapai $40an/day dari adse

    Earning $40/day bisa laku 27k di flippa wah benar2 menggiurkan angka2 itu.... :ngiler:
  7. fendysanchez

    fendysanchez Super Hero

    Sep 9, 2008
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    Kabupaten Batang
    Re: [Share]Studi Kasus Blog Mobile Games - Dalam 30 Hari Mencapai $40an/day dari adse

    ternyata niche games tetep oke ya
  8. ooND

    ooND Super Hero

    Jul 24, 2010
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    Wonosobo, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia, Indonesia
    Re: [Share]Studi Kasus Blog Mobile Games - Dalam 30 Hari Mencapai $40an/day dari adse

    ada yg bisa ngartiin ga :pusing:
  9. trisnowlaharwetan.com

    trisnowlaharwetan.com Super Hero

    Apr 16, 2010
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    Re: [Share]Studi Kasus Blog Mobile Games - Dalam 30 Hari Mencapai $40an/day dari adse

    idem sama mastah yang satu ini :lol:
  10. smile1714

    smile1714 Super Hero

    Sep 27, 2011
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    Re: [Share]Studi Kasus Blog Mobile Games - Dalam 30 Hari Mencapai $40an/day dari adse

    Wow, nice sharing mastah. Nambah pengetahuan kita nih, dan yang ane suka website nya di fillipa di beli 27000$ :mataduitan:
  11. mascang

    mascang Hero

    Jun 4, 2009
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    Pinggiran Jogja
    Re: [Share]Studi Kasus Blog Mobile Games - Dalam 30 Hari Mencapai $40an/day dari adse

    niche burung marah marah pas itu emang lagu rame ramenya kalo nda salah
    , tapi manteb bener, 30 hari bisa sampe segitu ,,, :mukamesum:
  12. facebox

    facebox Ads.id Fan

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Re: [Share]Studi Kasus Blog Mobile Games - Dalam 30 Hari Mencapai $40an/day dari adse

    ane :pusing: bacanya juga...
  13. gunthardt

    gunthardt Banned

    Sep 27, 2011
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    antah berantah
    Re: [Share]Studi Kasus Blog Mobile Games - Dalam 30 Hari Mencapai $40an/day dari adse

    bikin ngiler aj nih... coba aah

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